The Radio Independents Group, in association with Creative Skillset, last night unveiled its new RIGtrain scheme for independent radio production companies.

Around 800 learners are covered by the scheme, which will cover: specialist production courses; training trainers; leadership and business development; editorial values; introduction to independent production; and skills masterclasses.

The courses, to be run in various locations around England, are designed to build skills in UK radio and audio production by delivering training at affordable prices.

The total value of the scheme is £356,000 over an 18 month period. It is backed by independent production companies via the Radio Independents Group, with financial support from Creative Skillset as part of HM Government’s Employer Ownership Pilot.

RIGtrain is the first training scheme run by the independent radio production sector, which up to now has trained freelance staff on a case‐by‐case basis.

David Prest, RIG Board member and MD of the award‐winning Whistledown Productions, will manage RIGtrain alongside Caroline Elliot of training and development partnership Quattrain. Quattrain will also deliver elements of the project.

David Prest said: “Working with indies will allow trainees to experience content‐production for the BBC and commercial broadcasters, plus a whole range of other private and public sector clients, on projects which start with the audio but are increasingly multiplatform and multipurpose.”

“The ultimate aim is to develop a training culture across the industry and ensure the UK has the radio and audio production base needed to sustain and grow the indie sector as it expands across platforms and internationally”.

Dinah Caine CBE, Chief Executive Officer of Creative Skillset, said: “We’re delighted to support this initiative from the independent radio sector, which has been thorough in identifying the training most needed.”

“These courses will help both new entrants and existing talent move forward with relevant skills to develop the next generation of leaders in radio and audio production.”


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Contact: Tim Wilson, RIG Media Advisor ‐ 07909 560 374


1.  RIGtrain was officially launched at a briefing for production companies at the offices of Creative Skillset, London, on the evening of Tuesday 4th November. More details on RIGtrain can be found at the website: 

2.  The Radio Independents Group (RIG) is the trade body representing the UK independent radio production sector. The sector is made up of approximately 150 creative companies, spread around the whole of the UK. RIG members represent around 95% of industry turnover. These creative companies make radio content for commercial networks as well as BBC networks. They also produce a variety of audio‐led content for corporate clients, as well as overseas networks and companies. Audiobooks, podcasts, museum audio‐guides, audio games and other multimedia formats. It is estimated the sector employs well over 1,000 people, mostly in skilled production roles.

3.  Creative Skillset empowers the Creative Industries to develop skills and talent; it does this by influencing and shaping policy, ensuring quality and by securing the vital investment for individuals to become the best in their field and for businesses to grow. As the industry skills body for the Creative Industries, they work across film, television, radio, fashion, animation, games, visual effects, textiles, publishing, advertising, marketing communications and performing arts. 

4.  Quattrain designs, trains and manages mentoring, development, trainee and apprenticeship schemes. More at: 

*** For press enquiries please contact Tim Wilson, RIG media and policy adviser, on 07909 560 374 or tim at