Today the BBC announced new Terms of Trade for audio producers across the UK.

Please see the BBC press release here.

As you will all be aware, this is something that AudioUK has been negotiating with the BBC for some time on behalf of the independent audio production sector.

AudioUK members voted in favour of accepting the Terms of Trade in May this year, as a standard framework within which producers from across the UK can engage with the BBC.

The BBC is also announcing the continuation of the Indie Development Fund, and it will be providing funding for our Audiotrain skills programme, to allow us to develop its scope.

AudioUK continues to call for increased regulation of the BBC, particularly with reference to its various commercial activities, including the move of around 80 PSB staff into BBC Studios earlier this year, and a market analysis of the plans around monetisation of UK audio content. The new Government will of course have in its in-tray the future shape of the BBC in terms of its funding and the upcoming Charter Review process. Ofcom will this year be conducting its latest review of the UK’s public service media, including the BBC, and we are currently engaging with the National Audit Office around BBC Studios.

There will be a Terms of Trade webinar on the 16th July, at 11am (login details to follow), hosted by AudioUK and the BBC, alongside Mint and Co, in order to answer any questions that you have about the Terms and their implementation.

We will also continue our work to provide a clear pathway for contracting underlying rights, in order to update the agreements in the members’ area. We aim to have an update on those soon.