Recently updated on September 30th, 2022 at 02:19 pm

AudioUK has recently appeared at both the Podcast Show and the British Podcast Awards’ GROW event. Managing Director Chloe Straw was joined by Board Directors and audio business experts Bernard Achampong, Leona Fensome and Stuart Morgan. The topics of discussion were around how to set up, and how to grow, a successful audio business.

Some common themes came out of the panels, as well as the discussions we had afterwards. How to go from being a freelancer to a business, how to grow beyond that first initial project, how to keep a business going. But the most common question or discussion point we came across was around budgeting – how to budget, what to charge for, how to approach it. Bernard shared some excellent insights around a commission he wasn’t awarded, because his budget was too low!

At GROW, we said we would share a budget template that we have put together, to help those first approaching, or reviewing, how they budget. It is in excel, including formulas to do calculations for you, if required.

We will make this available to members only from September, but we are sharing here for everyone until then.

Do get in touch with any feedback, and we hope it is useful.

AudioUK Budget Template

If you’d like to find out more about how to join us, you can do so here.