Working with and for AudioUK member companies

There are a number of ways in which freelancers, other audio production companies, and aspiring members of staff can work with and for AudioUK member companies.
Approaching production companies
To find a production company which may be a good partner, take a look at our membership list and also check the production credits for programmes/podcasts/audiobooks which you feel most closely fit with your own idea or preferred genre/s.
You can also meet, or find out more about, people running production companies by attending AudioUK events, such as Audiotrain courses. Please check out the Audiotrain page for details of upcoming events.
Whether looking for a job, a contract, freelance work or an internship the same basic rule applies. There is a great deal of competition, particularly for less experienced people so research the individual companies, through their broadcast output, their websites, word-of-mouth and any other way you can. A generic CV emailed to all companies is unlikely even to get a reply; a properly crafted approach to one or two companies whose work you have taken the trouble to understand is much more likely to get a positive response.
Warehousing and production, or co-production
Many commissioners of professional audio content require producers to be registered as companies with Companies House and in the BBC’s case also registered as one of their suppliers. If you are not one of these and you have good ideas for programmes/series, one possibility is to approach established registered indies and see if they are willing to ‘warehouse’ your production.
This means you can still make the programme for BBC radio, but the contract will be with the registered indie production company. How the production work and finances are divided will be a matter for negotiation between you and the warehousing indie. It is likely that some of the budget will need to go to the warehousing indie’s overheads and other services such as executive production, studios, post-production etc.
Alternately you may prefer a coproduction and there is not a sharp distinction between that and warehousing in any case. Whichever route you take, you will benefit from the business expertise of the registered production company, their established reputation with BBC Radio/Sounds and/or other content commissioners. You will also be able to develop a track record of independently-produced programmes, and potentially put yourself up for an Audio Production Award!
Offering Ideas
Whether you are offering an idea as part of seeking work with an indie, or as someone who is promoting a story (e.g. a university academic or press officer) much the same applies: research the companies output and target your offer. Please make it clear if you are also talking to other companies simultaneously or are offering your idea exclusively. It is important to not create a situation whereby more than one company is pitching the same idea to a commissioner in the belief they have it exclusively. Remember also to have a clear written agreement with the producer as to the nature of your idea and involvement.
If you are submitting ideas to production companies, please consult the APC Code of Practice before doing so. This provides practical guidelines on how to submit programme proposals to production companies.
Work experience & internships
Some companies offer work experience or attachment – we encourage these to be paid internships. Some AudioUK members supply paid internships and/or mentoring as part of the Multitrack scheme, which seeks to broaden the diversity of those working in audio production – you can find out more about this scheme here.
Jobs with production companies
The position with jobs is similar. Most companies have a core of full-time staff and a network of freelances and contractors.